Taming LLM Responses with Instaparse

Taming LLM Responses with Instaparse

It started with a simple goal: integrate an LLM model. Little did I know this would lead us down a rabbit hole for parsing challenges that would fundamentally change how we handle LLM outputs.

The Promise and the Pain

Like many developers, our journey began with a straightforward vision: use LLMs to generate UI operations for our no-code platform. The plan seemed simple - have the model return JSON structures describing UI components, their properties, and how they should be manipulated.

Our initial schema looked promising:

  "type": "append:node",
  "context": {
    "engine": "string",
    "workspace": "string"
  "data": {
    "source": [{
      "id": "string",
      "componentName": "string",
      "props": {
        "data-content-editable": "content",
        "class": "string",
        "content": "string"
    "target": {
      "id": "string",
      "componentName": "string",
      "props": {}

We wrote comprehensive prompts, carefully explained our component hierarchy, and felt confident about our approach. Then reality struck.

The Pain Points

Our testing phase revealed several critical issues:

  1. JSON formatting significantly increased response latency
  2. Not all models supported JSON mode consistently
  3. Even with JSON mode enabled, sometimes LLMs would respond with incomplete JSON.
  4. The performance impact was unacceptable for real-time applications

The Regex Temptation

I'll admit it - my first instinct was to reach for regex. After all, how hard could it be to match some curly braces and square brackets?

;; I actually wrote this. I'm not proud of it.
(re-find #"\{[^}]+\}" llm-response)

I can feel you laughing right now. If you've ever tried to parse JSON with regex, you know exactly where this is going - a path of madness, unmaintainable code, and edge cases that haunted my dreams.

Instaparse - The Game Changer

Instead of fighting with regex, I decided to write a proper grammar to parse JSON-like structures embedded in text.

Here's the complete solution I developed:

1.The Grammar Definition

First, I defined a grammar that could handle JSON embedded within normal text:

(ns json-extractor.core
  (:require [instaparse.core :as insta]
            [clojure.edn :as edn]))

(def json-parser
    "text = (not-json | json)*

     <not-json> = #'[^{\\[]+|[{\\[](?![\"\\s\\[{])'

     json = object | array

     <value> = object | array | string | number | boolean | null

     object = <'{'> <ws> (pair (<','> <ws> pair)*)? <ws> <'}'>

     array = <'['> <ws> (value (<','> <ws> value)*)? <ws> <']'>

     pair = string <ws> <':'> <ws> value

     string = <'\"'> #'[^\"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\"\\\\]*)*' <'\"'>

     number = #'-?(?:0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:\\.\\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?'

     boolean = 'true' | 'false'

     null = 'null'

     ws = #'\\s*'"))

2.Validation Layer

Once parsed, I needed to ensure the structures were valid:

(defn valid-json-structure? [x]
  (or (map? x)
      (and (sequential? x)
           (every? (fn [item]
                    (or (number? item)
                        (string? item)
                        (boolean? item)
                        (nil? item)
                        (valid-json-structure? item)))

3.Transform Rules

(def transform-map
  {:string identity
   :number (fn [n]
              (edn/read-string n)
              (catch Exception _
   :boolean #(= % "true")
   :null (constantly nil)
   :pair vector
   :object (fn [& pairs]
              (reduce (fn [acc [k v]]
                       (assoc acc (keyword k) v))
              (catch Exception _
   :array (fn [& items]
             (vec (remove nil? items))
             (catch Exception _
   :json identity
   :text (fn [& items]
          (->> items
               (remove nil?)
               (filter valid-json-structure?)))})

4.JSON String Detection

Before parsing, we need to find potential JSON strings in the text:

(defn find-all-json-like-strings
  "Find potential JSON objects/arrays in text using balanced delimiter matching"
  (let [results (atom [])
        len (count text)]
    (loop [i 0
           stack []
           start -1]
      (if (< i len)
        (let [c (nth text i)
              stack' (cond
                      (and (empty? stack) (#{\{ \[} c))
                      (conj stack c)

                      (and (= (peek stack) \{) (= c \}))
                      (pop stack)

                      (and (= (peek stack) \[) (= c \]))
                      (pop stack)

                      (#{\{ \[} c)
                      (conj stack c)

            (and (empty? stack) (= start -1) (#{\{ \[} c))
            (recur (inc i) stack' i)

            (and (empty? stack) (> start -1))
              (swap! results conj (subs text start (inc i)))
              (recur (inc i) stack' -1))

            (recur (inc i) stack' start)))
        (when (> start -1)
          (swap! results conj (subs text start len)))))

5.Putting It All Together

Finally, I combined everything into two main functions:

(defn parse-single-json
  "Parse a single JSON string"
    (let [result (json-parser text)]
      (when-not (insta/failure? result)
        (let [transformed (insta/transform transform-map result)
              transformed (if (sequential? transformed)
                           (first transformed)
          (when (valid-json-structure? transformed)
    (catch Exception e
      (tap> {:exception e :text text})

(defn extract-json
  "Extract all valid JSON structures from text"
  (->> (find-all-json-like-strings text)
       (map parse-single-json)
       (filterv some?)))

Learn from my mistakes

  1. Write tests from the start.
  2. Don't modify the grammar without thorough testing
  3. Don't assume all LLM responses will contain valid JSON
  4. Don't skip the validation step, even if parsing succeeds
  5. Don't try to parse extremely large JSON structures in one go

When dealing with LLMs, robust parsing isn't just nice to have - it's essential for building reliable AI systems.

See It In Action

Our Auxtool Agent now streams UI operations in real-time, applying them as they arrive from the LLM. This creates a fluid, interactive experience where you can watch your UI being built dynamically as the model generates responses.


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